Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Smuggler’s Cove – “Fresh” Seafood Delicacies to Stir up Your Appetite!

If we have to describe the food at Smuggler's Cove in one word, it would be “fresh”. Being in fresh seafood business for over 25 years proves that we never compromise on the freshness of our food. Smuggler's Cove receives all of its seafood directly from the Boston Seafood Market three times a week. You are always served the most exotic delicacies that leave you with a refreshing dining experience.

Our restaurant is any seafood lover’s paradise. From crab and shrimps to oysters and clams, you name it, we have it! Want to give your own touch to the fresh catch? Choose from our six unique preparations including Smuggler’s style, Havana style and Island style. An elaborate spread of appetizers, main course, salads, soups and entrees is what makes dining at Smuggler's Cove so special. Still wondering what sets us apart? We give you one simple reason. Because we offer you the goodness of fresh food coupled with the taste of culinary marvels!

At Smuggler’s Cove, we import salmon from Faroe Island. That’s right! We get you true Scottish Salmons. Faroese aquaculture is the perfect location for quality Atlantic salmons. Savor the rare crystal-clean flavor of the wild salmon coming straight from the North Atlantic on to your table.

Our fresh sea scallops are completely chemical-free. You read it right! There are no harmful chemicals in the 1005 sea scallops that we serve. Now you can enjoy our fresh scallops from the waters of the North Atlantic, without worrying about any health concerns.

The clams and oysters at Smuggler’s Cove come from only certified waters. We serve you clams from the same beds from our very own “The Ocean State”, Rhode Island. Smuggler’s Cove offers you Connecticut cultured oysters, bringing them to you from the same oyster beds every time.

Smuggler’s Cove only serves certified Wild American Shrimp. All of the shrimp come from the Gulf of Mexico. Our wild-caught shrimps are more succulent, tender and full of flavor compared to their pond-raised counterparts. It is believed that a typical portion of Wild American Shrimp (four ounce) carries only 112 calories when boiled, steamed, baked or grilled. So it’s a great way to lighten up your menu and stay in shape.

We are sure that our fresh, mouth-watering seafood treats will surely stir up your appetite. Smuggler’s Cove invites you and your loved ones to taste the best seafood brought especially for you from distant shores.

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